Hot Rocks oven installation check list

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Customer information’s

Equipment receiving
If yes, take picture.
If yes, declare it on the delivery bill and take pictures.

Service and equipment validation
Internal components inspectionn

Be sure the oven is powered off for next steps and remove backside panels

Pressure must be between 6 and 8 inH2O (W.C.)
Burner adjustment

Burner has been adjusted from factory before shipping. Re-adjust the burner and flame rod only if necessary

Powered on oven final installation
Install exit and entry mesh conveyors

Please provide pictures of the damage
Oven heating and lubrication

Measure when the oven is on high fire and all others equipment on the same pressure regulator are in operation.

Pressure must be between 6 and 8 inH2O (W.C.). It can be adjusted with the inner regulator on the left-hand side of the burner.
-0.01 to 0.00 inH2O (W.C.) when the burner is lit on low fire.
Must be at least 3.0 µA when the oven is on low fire mode or infrared mode use the peeping tube to monitor the burner activity.
(max 80°F difference)

Verify that the oven maintain temperature at the customer baking temperature


Final inspection
(start-up completed)

Quick formation / Owners training

Take pictures of the completed installation